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Words to Never Use in an Essay

You should avoid certain words when you write essays. They include clichés, emotive languages, contractions, and slang. Using these words can ruin your grade. So, it’s important to avoid them as much as possible. This will help make your essay even more persuasive.

Contractions should be avoided

When it comes to academic writing, it is best to avoid using contractions. They sound unprofessional and are not appropriate for formal writing. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to replace a contraction with its non-contracted equivalent. You can avoid colloquialisms or slang expressions being mistakenly confused for contractions by following this simple procedure.

You won’t use contractions if you are writing a letter of application for a job. This style can make you seem casual and dismissive, which is not the impression you’d want to make. When writing a cover letter, it’s crucial to keep your tone professional and formal. If you do not, your chances of getting a bad grade or being overlooked to apply for a job are high.

Avoiding cliches

Writing quality essays requires students to be aware of how important it is not to use cliches. Although cliches may be useful, they can make your paper boring and frustrate readers. Try to make these words more memorable and less repetitive. However, it is important to be sure that you capture the message behind the cliches.

Cliches are commonly used expressions that have been used over again to make a point. Cliches can make you seem less original than what you actually are. Try reading your work out loud to catch any overused or awkward expressions. Cliches are often easier to miss when you are writing under the essay service pressure of an exam. You can also have someone else read your work to spot any awkward wording.

Avoid emotive language

Writing essays should essaywriter org review be about neutral language. Even if your subject is personal you must avoid personal pronouns or emotive language. Also, you must ensure your writing is objective and professional. While you are allowed to include certain personal details within your essay, academic essays should be avoided.

Readers can be confused by emotional language. Emotional language can make your writing subjective and not allow you to argue. Emotional language appeals to our emotions, which can cause readers to feel bad or angry. This language can also be harmful to your readers, so it should not be used in official writing.

Avoiding slang

Avoiding slang in an essay can help you come across as a well-educated writer. While slang terms can be used in daily speech, they do not belong in formal writing. These terms convey laziness, lack of effort and informality. They are also boring.

Avoiding slang in an essay requires you to think about the tone you want to convey. Although cliches can be used to convey emotions, they are usually inappropriate for an academic essay. Avoid using slang words or phrases that express personal opinions. For example, you should avoid using the phrase “ripped off,” “can’t,” or “don’t.”

Avoiding abbreviations

While abbreviations may make writing easier, it is important to correctly spell the terms. A dictionary can be used to help you understand the terms correctly and determine their meanings. You can also provide an abbreviations list with your manuscript. Readers are annoyed and distracted by terms that are not easily understood.

Abbreviations shouldn’t be used in places that are difficult for the reader to understand. When citing studies, for example, use the abbreviation e.g. You can use e.g. instead of i.e. but you should avoid using abbreviations for city names. You can use the etal to get citations from multiple sources.

Beware of technical terms

It is essential to not use technical terms in your essay if you wish to make your points to the layman. Your writing should sound natural and like normal speech. Using technical terms sparingly will improve your reader’s comprehension and make your essay easier to read.

Jargon is a term used to describe technical terms. However, experts use these terms in their field and they are hard for non-experts to comprehend. You can make your writing more difficult and create an illusion of complexity. It can also be interpreted as a display of knowledge that isn’t necessary for the purposes of your essay.

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